EU Data Logistics Festival on 30 November 2023 in Brussels successful
On 30 November 2023 , 168 persons from 14 countries participated in the EU Data Logistics Festival in Brussels. During the conference, various EU Member State and IATA policy views as well as down-to earth results - and lessons learnt - of 15 FEDeRATED partners located in 7 countries were presented and exchanged within the context of the European Commission policy approach on enhancing data driven logistics, i.e, EU DTLF, and the EC Data Strategy.
In the concluding plenary session, all participants stressed the importance of an active role for the European Commission developing an overarching EU Reference Framework for federated data sharing enhancing supply chain visibility: seamless multimodal,freight transport and logistics. Since the start of the EU DTLF in 2015, it appears all the necessary steps have been taken to set pull based - federated - data sharing in EU motion, to structure the participation of the countries and stakeholders around an EU coordinated change management governance, to create an open source environment for innovation and diligently choose business cases and stakeholder commitment for scaling up. "We, EU Member States want to continue.", emphased Maria Carmen Corral Escribano of the Spanish Ministry of Infrastructure and urban development (MITMA - Spain, EU President second half 2023), "We need you, European Commission, to make it work. Let's start now!"
Plenary session panel: Brigit Gijsbers (right - Dept DG NL Ministry of Infrastructure and watermanagement), Maria Corral Escribano (centre - Head Unit MITMA) and Szymon Olscislowski (left - EC - DG MOVE - Dept Head of Unit) on the importance of continuing closecEU collaboration for federated data sharing in freight transport and logistics
During the Event many documents were provided and presentations delivered. They are accessible here through a click on:
FEDeRATED (hand out) documents:
- The programme
- List of registered participants
- The Soul of the Machine (an account of 5 years developing LivingLabs in the FEDeRATED PROJECT)
- Elements of building (the why, how, and what to do when developing a federated data sharing provision, plus some tools)
- An informal sketch assisting the development of a possible EU Communication and proposal for a Regulation on enhancing supply chain visibility - NON PAPER not committing the FEDeRATED partners)
Plenary session presentations:
- Introduction
- The FEDeRATED operational framework
- The SIMPLE Song (Spain)
- The EU Data Gateway for Europe (Netherlands)
- The Internet of Logistics - the inminent reality (IATA)
- The Data inclusive society (Sweden)
- The IT Facilitators (Finland)
- The data driven logistics chain (Italy)
- The FEDeRATED node prototype (FEDeRATED IT Architecture Board)
- Semantic interoperability - Christop Lambert/Henk Mulder, (IATA - chairman FEDeRATED semantic modelling group)
- Emission monitoring and semantics- Violetta Matzoros (Smart Freight Centre)
- Digital Product Passport Food Hinterland - Sebastian Haas ( Kylernos)
- KEYstone project - Alex Papacharalampoous (Aethon)
- Railways semantics - Marina Aguados (European Railways Agency)
- LargeLanguageModels and FEDeRATED ontology - Wout Hofman (TNO)
LivingLab Demos:
- EU Gateway on eCMR/eFTI - Rudy Hemeleers, Leonid Kuhn and Tilman Friz (Abona) and Stefan Geraerts (Pionira) plus video
- SIMPLE -Manuel Rodríguez Sánchez and Jorge Irisarri Tejo ( Indra)
- 10 Swedish LivingLabs - Kenneth Lind
- Physical Internet LL project - Philip Michiels (imec)
- Multimodal Visibility Node - Digital Road Ecosystem - Toni Petntinen ( AHOLA) plus video
Plus - Stakeholder Engagement workshop
- Hits: 2084