FEDeRATED Mid Term Event successful
On 24 November 2021, the 15 international partners of the FEDeRATED EU project met for its mid-term event, organised and hosted by Codognotto Italia S.p.A. at the headquarters in Salgareda (Italy). The event, organised in hybrid form with 40 project members in attendance and online connections on the zoom platform, reached an audience of nearly 150 participants. The event was also attended by representatives of DG MOVE, the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, who joined providing a detailed overview of the EU strategy regarding data related to the world of freight transport & logistics. Click here: library, Mid Term Event.
The FEDeRATED action builds on the work and recommendations of the Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF) to create a valid and viable federative network of platforms as an enabling factor for the exchange and sharing of Business to Administration (B2A) and Business to Business data (B2B). On November 24th, several representatives for each project partner met in the province of Treviso to provide an update on the results achieved so far in order to strengthen competitiveness and EU sustainability in logistics.
During the event, living labs from the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Puertos del Estado in collaboration with the Spanish Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda and ADIF, the Swedish Transport Administration , Codognotto, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Vediafi Ltd. were presented. See also library
The FEDeRATED action will end in 2023 and will help improve supply chain visibility and clustering capacity and enable synchronised operational planning for a responsive, resilient and multimodal transport ecosystem, also thanks to 22 living labs, which will define, demonstrate and validate the guiding principles and reference architecture in the freight transport context by the end of the project.
- Hits: 2020