Digital ecosystem innovation in action– a federative approach to sustainable and seamlessmulti-modal transport chains

The Swedish collaborators of the FEDeRATED project, under the guidance of Mikael Lind of RISE,  wrote an interesting article - Digital ecosystem innovation in action– a federative approach to sustainable and seamlessmulti-modal transport chains. The article depicts the undeniable trend towards a data agnostic - democratic - data platform development in logistics endeavoured by the EC and also the FEDeRATED project.  You can read the complete article here  or access the downloadable version, click here . A summary of the article can be  read in  A digital ecosystem supporting sustainable multimodal supply chains - The Loadstar

The article also features four wonderful drawings of Sandra Haraldson of Rise. Hereunder Sandra's visualisation of supply chain visibly enabled by digital connected transport nodes  Supply Chain Visibility enabled by digitally connected transport nodes

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This project is co-funded by the European Commission Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)