
Between 2019 until March 2024, the FEDeRATED project consisted of various groups.

The Consortium Board.  
All beneficiaries were represented in the Consortium Board which acted as the supervising body of the Action. The Consortium Board monitors and analysed the progress of the Action, including of the milestone reports. The Consortium also selected the members of the IT Architecture Board. Representatives of DG MOVE and INEA could be invited to participate in the Consortium Meetings. The partners and their contact points were:

  • Traficom - Mikko Vastila
  • Vediafi - Lasse Nykänen 
  • Ahola - Toni Penntinen
  • Swedish Maritime Administration - Mikael Renz
  • Swedisch Transport Administration - Jan Bergstrand
  • Puertos del Estado - Jaime Luezas Alvarado
  • ES Ministry for Transport, Mobility & Urban Agenda - Carlos Ruíz de Alegría García
  • ES ADIF - Javier Garcia Fortea
  • Codognotto - Matteo Benvenuti
  • Zailog sacro - Paolo Lunardi
  • Grimaldi - Cosimo Cervicato
  • Terminal San Giorgio - Simone Ciambelloti
  • 51Biz - Rudy Hemeleers
  • IATA - Henk Mulder
  • NL Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement - Sjoerd Boot

The Project Board
The Project Board was responsible for the overall direction of the Project. The Project Board assessed and verified the technical execution of the Action, assisted the project coordinator in periodically reporting at the Consortium Board, e.g. as regards the achievement of milestones, action status reports and financial statements, and analysed the progress of the Project in relation to other complementary or similar ongoing EU projects or initiatives and provide guidelines on the content of the deliverables as well as recommendations on future cooperation with these projects. The Project Board consisted of the Coordinator and Activity Leaders. Representatives of DG MOVE and INEA could be invited to participate in the Project Board. 
The members - including the Activity Leaders being responsible for coordinating the execution of the works of the related Activities - were:

  1. Traficom/LVM - Noora Lähne
  2. Puertos del Estado - Jaime Luezas Alvaro
  3. SMA - Mikael Renz
  4. Codognotto - Guido Piccoli
  5. IATA - Henk Mulder
  6. Project coördinator - Roeland van Bockel

The project coordination group.
Responsible for the daily operations of the FEDeRATED project. The Coordinator, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water management, was the single point of contact between the European Commission and the Consortium and responsible for the overall project management. The Coordinator prepared all work for the Consortium Meeting and the Project Board and were in direct contact with all beneficiaries and participating countries. . The Coordinator also organised the work of an IT Architecture Board and  of the Peer Review team. The members of the project coordination team were:

  • Coordinator - Roeland van Bockel
  • COO - Dominic Jarvis
  • CFO - Zdravko Alaber
  • CIO - Wout Hofman 

The IT Architecture Board 
Major task was to assist FEDeRATED in its work on IT Architecture issues. The IT Architecture Board consisted of 6 IT experts, employed or contracted by the beneficiaries who will assist Activity leaders in their work. The required expertise of the Architecture Board allowed it to validate and guide the Action performance based on state-of-the-art development on data sharing practices in logistics and relevant technological developments. The Board served as a sounding panel assisting the Activity leaders in their work. The IT Architecture Board will also relate to the work of the DTLF. They will meet based on the request of the Activity leaders and the coordinator.
The members were:

  • Mitchell Out (chaiman, Dutch Customs)
  • Stefan Popa  (Codognotto)
  • Eddie Olsen (RISE)
  • Avelino Rodríguez Lozano (ADIF)
  • Manuel Rodriquez (PdE)
  • Per Löfbom (SMA)
  • Miko Nordström (Vediafi)
  • Rudy Hemeleers (51Biz)

The Semantics Modelling Group 
Between 2020-2022, the  Semantics Modelling Group consisted of 5 - 10 FEDeRATED partner representatives dedicated to further elaborate the FEDeRATED Semantics Data model. The chairman is Henk Mudler (IATA). The groups was established in February 2020 and meets every other month.  The participation is open to non FEDeRATED partners. Specific documents are developed in order to allow firther engagement within the EU for establishing and executing a comprehenive semantiocs model, allowing muyltimodal transport to evolve.

  • Hits: 7997

This project is co-funded by the European Commission Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)