IATA Hackaton boosts FEDeRATED node development
The weekend of 23-25 June, IATA organised its 7th Hacketon on data sharing in Frankfurt. Over 150 developers, devided over 20 teamst, participated in several competitions, all aimed at enhancing seamless data sharing practices in freight transport operations. A FEDeRATED competion was also organised. Three teams - Vediafi, SIMPLE and TNO - competed on how to apply the FEDeRATED node effectively, facilitating real time data based logistic operations.
The Hackaton enabled the three teams to structurally test and improve the robustness of the FEDeRATED node prototype, the application of verifiable credentials, and the non predefined data querying methodology. Three use cases were executed enabling data exchange between different data holders, also data derived from the IATA One Record Standard, for various transport operations and crossbordering (Customs) case. Being put to the competive test: Vediafi was rewarded to be the winner of the FEDeRATED prize.
Aleksander Schmidt and Laxmi Thebe of the Vediafi Oy team
The three FEDeRATED contributions to the Hackaton are:
- Vediafi - Bordeless Digital Salmon Movement
- SIMPLE contribution: https://devpost.com/software/federated-simple
- TNO contribution Multimodal Visibility Infrastructure
The Hackaton proved to be a great testing bed for the FEDeRATED node to feed into a FEDeRATED Common LivingLab between various partners, enabling an agenda for improvements to be executed this Fall. The results will be showcased as a FEDeRATED data sharing prototype during the EU Data Logistics Festival on 30 November in Brussels.
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