FEDeRATED publishes LivingLab testing report
FEDeRATED has issued a new report (Milestone 8) on the progress of its 23 LivingLabs. In this Interim Testing Report click) - the progress of the FEDeRATED LivingLabs is compared to the FEDeRATED Interim Masterplan. A downloadable version is available here. 23 FACTsheets on every LivingLabs availablle here.
The structure and validation of the LivingLabs is illustrated hereunder
An important goal of all LivinLabs is to enable realtime data driven logistics. The conditions to successfully pursue data driven business cases for logistics are:
- Full stakeholder’s engagement.
- Non propriety data spaces development,
- Application of the overarching EU Interoperability Framework EIF).
- Digital readiness – competence. To benefit from this enabling Internet provision, stakeholders need to be competent, digital ready.
- Full engage with the virtual infrastructure, the Internet,
- Applicability of the DTLF and FEDeRATED stack (explained in chapter 1 of the Interim Testing Report (Milestone 8)
The major findings of the report are:
- In general, the 37 FEDeRATED Leading Principles cover the overall concept of the federated network of platform concept – functional requirements and technical specifications. However, many LLs ask for more architecture guidance and interaction.
- Most Living Labs cover some or all of the following elements: specified business process, dedicated services, security, data semantics, API’s, various data exchanges techniques, Identity and Authentication, Access control and access points, Authorisation and Identification.
- Five Living Labs are exploring all 37 of the FEDeRATED Leading Principles (SIMPLE, Internet of Logistics, RFID in Rail, eGovernment Logistics and Real-time Multi-Modal Transportation platform). These LivingLabs are focussed primarily on developing comprehensive infrastructures based on the FEDeRATED semantic model and pull-based data availability.
- In general, the Living Labs’ development can be identified as being under one of two separate levels.
- Level 1 - developing a data sharing platform - providing a limited number of operators access and experimenting their solutions on a wide variety of different services
- Level 2 - developing a federated infrastructure provision - focussing on genuine platform interoperability and elements such as: Index, Service Registry, Access, IAM (integrated assessment modelling) and semantic modelling.\
- In 2022 and 2023, the LLs will intensify their collaboration and finetune their solutions with the technical settings developed by DTLF Subgroup II and FEDeRATED Activity 2.
- The FEDeRATED Leading Principles should be further developed as functional requirements and technical specifications, allowing the development of a validated Master Plan, possibly including a Toolbox and “How To” guidebook, in 2023. The various aspects laying down the foundations of a federated infrastructure provision should cover the following functionalities (global features – the FEDeRATED stack), closely related to DTLF Subgroup II recommendations and FEDeRATED Activity 2 work, i.
- Semantics with (open) standards – 17 LL’s indicate to (also) focus on this functionality
- Identity and Authentication - Determining the identity of a person/organisation/’thing’ from a recognised provider-- 17 LL’s indicate to (also) focus on this functionality
- Access points and control - determine what data a person has access to and to identify the points for integrating organisations with or unlocking IT services (GUI) of the infrastructure – - 20 LL’s indicate to (also) focus on this functionality
- Findability - Search systems with metadata - findability of all kinds of data (cargo, qualifications, certificates, electronic documents) for supervisors and enforcers - 12 LL’s indicate to (also) focus on this functionality
- The implementation of the federated network of platforms approach in terms of technical solution indicate the following:
- 7 LL’s indicate to contribute to developing/facilitating a Peer2Peer solution.
- 15 LL’s indicate to contribute to developing/facilitating Single Platform solution.
- 10 LL’s indicate to contribute to developing/facilitating Multiple Platforms solution.
- 7 LL’s indicate to contribute to developing/facilitating P2P and a Platform solution.
- Regularly updated information on the LLs is available at the FEDeRATED website – (Living Labs (federatedplatforms.eu)
- Hits: 2223