FEDeRATED Interim Masterplan MILESTONE 2

  • Last update: 17 April 2024
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This Interim Masterplan is a first step towards answering the question: How to build a data sharing infrastructure provision for freight transport and logistics in the EU? The Interim Masterplan:

  1. Sets the context of the work, i.e. the EU Digital Single Market. Elaborates on the DTLF building blocks and FEDeRATED Core Operating Framework
  2. Provides a generic description of supply and logistic chain realities that can all benefit from data sharing in logistics
  3. Proposes leading principles that serve as a guide to formulate the boundaries, the services and the functionalities for a data sharing infrastructure provision
  4. Presents a reference model that describe the actual world components that require a digital twin
  5. Describes a semantic model that allows the reference model to be translated into data
  6. Proposes elements of building for developing an IT architecture with a focus on interoperability and data sharing.
  7. Identifies the validation criteria for pilot projects and living labs (feedback loop)
  8. Shows a list of next steps for further action between 2020-2023

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This project is co-funded by the European Commission Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)