GAIA-X project

  • Last update: 04 June 2020
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The federated data infrastructure is tailored to the needs of both the providers and users: it enhances transparency and visibility on the provider side; advances innovations in the data economy; clearly commits to interoperability of offerings and links up companies of all sizes – from major industrial corporations to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), through to start-ups.

In order to implement the federated data infrastructure, the establishment of a central organisation at the European level is considerated. This organisation would lay the economic, organisational and technical foundations of a federated data infrastructure. Its task will be to develop a reference architecture, to define standards and to determine criteria for certifications and product quality seals. It should be a neutral mediator and the hub of the European ecosystem.

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This project is co-funded by the European Commission Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)