FEDeRATED semantic interoperability
If you want to share data, you should be able to understand another: semantic interoperability. This is a major issue within the FEDeRATED project. Since 2019 FEDeRATED has done a lot of working on semantics, i.e. the FEDeRATED Semantic model. The importance being to enable any logistics stakeholder to access various (standard based) data silos through a FEDeRATED bridge.
To illustrate our semantic work, a number of presentations - developed by Henk Mulder (Chairman Semantic Data Model/IATA Digital Cargo lead) is available:
- A general overview - Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCDHx4AeXSg - March 2021
- The FEDeRATED Semantic model - Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsoYiyB6p_U - June 2021 - IPIC conference - PowerPoint: http://federatedplatforms.eu/index.php/library/item/ipic-conference-federated-semantic-modelling-group-state-of-play-june-2021
- The Mid Term status of the semantic model - Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0AcQ38GUY0 - 24 November 2021 (Mid Term Event)
- FEDeRATED Semantic Model in simple terms - PowerPoint: http://federatedplatforms.eu/index.php/library/item/federated-semantic-model-in-simple-terms-delft-workshop29032022 - March 2022.
3 workshops on the FEDeRATED Semantic Model:
- Session 1 Semantic interoperability - How do we use the semantic model - Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABpojQn5-7U - PowerPoint: http://federatedplatforms.eu/index.php/library/item/federated-ontology-and-semantic-technology-for-livinglabs-session-1?category_id=11 - March 2022
- Session 2 Semantic interoperability - How to implement semantic technologogies and ontologies - Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYTHahtLCco - PowerPoint: http://federatedplatforms.eu/index.php/library/item/federated-ontology-and-semantic-technology-for-livinglabs-session-3 - April 2022
- Session 3 Semantic interoperability - How do we use this, how do we query the data. - Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZcc2bDToaQ - PowerPoint:http://federatedplatforms.eu/index.php/library/item/federated-ontology-and-semantic-technology-for-livinglabs-workshop-session-3 - May 2022
A fun video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3t2VPcHwCw
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