From May 30, 2023 20:00 until June 01, 2023 15:00
At Zailog, Via Sommacampagna 61, Verona, Italy
Posted by Roeland van Bockel
Categories: workshop
Hits: 951
For general information on how to get there and hotels in Verona click here
The draft programme:
30 MAY Location: Osteria ai Duca, via Arche Scaligere, 2 - the participants arrange for their own transport
20.00hrs - Dinner
31 MAY - Location Zailog: Via Sommacampagna 61, Verona - the participants arrange for their own transport
09.15hrs - Welcome Zailog
09.30hrs - Introduction programme - what do we want to get out of the workshop, including the FEDeRATED operational framework (Masterplan) and input for FEDeRATED Final Event
09.45hrs - Introduction LL Projectbook
10.00hrs -Session on 37 Leading Principles (the principles constitute the basics of the FEDeRATED franchise)
11.00hrs - Coffee break
11.30hrs - State of play LLs - pitches, including how they like to demo during the Final Event
13.00hrs - Luncheon, including view of intermodal terminal operations
14.00hrs - IT Architecture Board meeting (separate meeting)
14.00hrs - Discussion on the LL contributions to the LL Projectbook based on individidual LLs experience - scope,data, stakeholder engagement, narratives
16.00hrs - Coffer break
16.30hrs - Discussion Final Event, Communication issues (short report on Logistics Munich exhibition and ITS Lisbon events and upcoming EPIC Event and IATA Hackathon)
17.30hrs - Closure
20.00hrs - Dinner - Trattoria Arco dei Gavi" - Corso Cavour, 43 - Verona - the participants arrange for their own transport.
1 JUNE - Location Zailog: Via Sommacampagna 61, Verona - the participants arrange for their own transport
08.30hrs - Report progress IT Architecture Board (including the assessment and validation scheme LLs)
09.30hrs - Discussion on common LivingLabs - FEDeRATED prototype
10.30hrs- Coffee break
11.00hrs - Wrap-up - List of Things to Do - i.e., Projectbook, technical description LL, assessment technical setting LLs, testing, communication issues, Final Event, more
12.00hrs - Closure and Luncheon
13.00hrs - 15.00hrs Option to visit Zailog Terminal