ITS Congress (ERTICO)

From May 22, 2023 10:04 until May 24, 2023 17:04
At Lisbon
Posted by Roeland van Bockel
Categories: Conference
Hits: 624

Special session on 23 May, 15:00 PM - 4:15:00 PM in Room 1.5.
Data sharing and 5G-enabled technologies in logistics: new opportunities and collaboration ideas

Europe’s logistics sector is progressing towards more data interoperability and integration of data sharing systems, supported by innovative technologies, such as 5G enabled ones. In this perspective, the Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF) strongly strives for building a common data exchange framework connecting the existing transport and logistics data sources and platforms. The 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP) has been funding several projects which contribute to designing, developing, testing, validating and promoting the potential of 5G-based communications for facilitating data sharing.

The session will address the enablers for the effective take-up of innovative solutions for data sharing, their replicability potentialand the conditions for a wide uptake. Specifically, the role of 5G in this process will be assessed. The panel discussion will emphasize the importance of stakeholders’ collaboration in advancing innovation and data sharing, with focus on collaborative business models  and future common initiatives. 

These topics will be faced by discovering the experience of relevant EU funded projects, such as: 5G-LOGINNOV, VITAL-5G and 5G-Blueprint, FENIX and FEDeRATED. Furthermore, the ALICE initiatives, the KEYSTONE project, and the FENIX’s sequel “FENIX2.0” will be presented.

Overall intro +long  panel discussion
Intro and motivation to organize the session

Brief overview of relevant EU associations: DTLF and 5G-PPP

Speakers and Projects’ overview: 
▪ Eric Kenis: represents 5G-BLUEPRINT
▪ Andreas Gavrielides: represents VITAL 5G
▪ Lidia Buenavida: represents 5G-LOGINNOV
▪ Eusebiu Catana: represents FENIX & FENIX2.0
▪ Roeland Van Bocker: represents FEDERATED
▪ Giulia Renzi: represents KEYSTONE
▪ Fernando Liesa: represents ALICE
Overview of Technological Innovations provided by the projects
 on e.g. following questions
How is ALICE supporting European logistics stakeholders in addressing the DTLF and 5G-PPP objectives (max 3 min)
What are the (expected) enablers and barriers identified in your project for the effective uptake of technological innovations? 
What are the the main findings and knowledge related to the effective take-up of innovative solutions for data sharing from the logistics sector? 
• 10-15 min input by the audience and closing of the session

This project is co-funded by the European Commission Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)